Eyes with nystagmus often has reduced vision because both eyes are unable to maintain steady fixation. The eyes makes repetitive uncontrollable movements. This involuntary eye movements can occur from side-to-side, up-and-down, or in a circular pattern.
Nystagmus may be accompanied by unusual head positions to compensate for the condition close to a null point where the eyes tremors least. It can also be accompanied by problems in depth perception, balancing, coordination and visual tracking (e.g. in reading).
The exact cause is often unknown, but it can appear as a symptom of other underlying eye or medical problems. It can occur during early childhood or develop later in life due to an accident or illness.
Although nystagmus cannot be cured, it is possible to reduce the jerkiness using spectacles, contact lenses and vision therapy. Children and adults suffering from nystagmus should seek professional advice and attend a functional vision assessment (Vision Assessment).
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