Senior Consultant Optometrist Yap Tiong Peng from IGARD Group Singapore and Professor Henry Greene (University of North Carolina, USA), inventor of the world’s first and only autofocus bioptic device for low vision.

Low Vision Telescopic Bioptics

Autofocus Low Vision Telescopic Bioptics

MDS Seminar on Macular Degeneration and Low Vision presented by Senior Consultant Optometrist Yap Tiong Peng in


Vision training to make use of “eccentric viewing technique” in patients suffering from macular degeneration

Low vision aids and devices to provide optimal magnification for the patients

Reading speed improve with vision training

Peli Prisms for patients with Hemianopsia

A letter from a low vision patient with macular degeneration:

“Dear Dr Yap, My father and I have arrived Manila safely as scheduled and would like to thank you for all your assistance and patience during our visit to your clinic. He has really been enlightened by all your explanation about maximizing his remaining vision and is now constantly practicing using his “sweet spot” for reading and even for distance. He acknowledges that it will take hard work to train hiis brain to constantly see through the spot, instead of his usual scanning through his absent central vision. Please let us know the most advisable time for us to schedule the return visit to pick up the “next grade” of telescope which he fitted and ordered, so that we can make travel arrangements. Again, thank you so much for your assistance and most especially for your patience. Please extend our thanks to your colleague, Apple, who was also most helpful. With warm regards”

– Samuel G.

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