IGARD welcome referrals from current/former patients and other professionals. Besides catering to the local community, IGARD in Singapore serves the expat community in Singapore and routinely receive patients from the South East Asian region and beyond, including, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Philippines and China.
The team receives referrals from other professionals including ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, general physicians, optometrists, opticians, educators, psychologists and allied health colleagues. Besides referrals from the Asian region, some patients may relocate to Singapore for work or family. Such referrals can come as far as the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Europe.
We welcome referrals from:
- Teachers
- Psychologists
- Physiotherapists
- Vision Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech Therapists
- General Physicians
- Eye Surgeons (Ophthalmologists)
- Optometrists
- Opticians
A referral letter is not necessary when seeing any of the consultants at IGARD. However, it is useful to contact the group in Singapore (eyecentre@igard.com.sg) or send a referral note so that continual professional care can be offered. Patients that can benefit in continual care includes those who were previously or currently on vision therapy, orthokeratology refractive therapy, post-surgical visual/eye conditions, low vision, etc.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at 65 67323233.