IGARD has often been invited to conduct eye-care seminars, talks and lectures for several organisations in Singapore. Some popular topics include myopia prevention, occupational vision (e.g. computer vision), eye health, and general eye care issues.

  • Seminars for Industry Partners
  • Seminars for Medical Doctors & Allied-Health Professionals
  • School Eye Care Talks (e.g. primary school, secondary school, polytechnics and junior colleges)
  • University Eye Care Seminars
  • Public Eye Care Forum
  • Corporate Eye Care Talk (Occupational Vision / Eye Health)
  • Training Programmes and Lectures in Optics

Speakers available are top senior consultant optometrists under the IGARD Group. Please email tina@igard.com.sg to indicate your interest in organising a seminar, lectures or talk. Note that advanced booking is required and subject to availability and approval.